Monday 22 April 2013

A Homage to Heresy

A Homage to Heresy

I can't say I've always been much of a bookworm.

In fact I feel I'm very fickle with my fiction in that I always opt for the "wait for the film" attitude whenever I'm given the chance. Often, people will purchase books for me as gifts based on a series I'm currently watching, which I religiously shelf with the honest intention of reading before the next series is due to be televised. I feel for each and every one of these forgotten tomes, as I casually glance at them from across the room thinking about the "rainy day" when I'll finally get round to starting them, fully aware that the first teaser trailer of its terrestrial adaptation has already begun lurking in the background.

I am again about to draw on my necessity to reference my warmongering of all things miniature, as it was solely due to one aspect of its rich & extensive narrative that has birthed a new found love for literary fiction in my life.

( Excusing the unintentional pun, ) the concept of science fiction has long been an alien genre to me. With the exception of a childhood enriched by the Star Wars universe, I have never expressed any real interest in ventures into the cosmic. Swords & sorcery, and all things fantastic have always been my preferred brand of make-believe, especially of the motion picture variety. As much as I have an affinity for the medieval make-believe, I could count the amount of fantasy novels I've read on one hand, and had also never previously sourced a single science fiction novel that captured my interest.

During the previous year's wash-out entitled "the British summer", I ventured into my local hobby store following the release of the 6th edition of their hugely successful futuristic war game. Despite involvement in the hobby for many years, I had previously avoided this particular game's earlier editions, as it often appeared to attract a much younger audience despite its dark setting, as well as a Coven of participants who play to win, and only win, by any means necessary. The main encouragement for delving into its latest incarnation was the way the rules had been adapted to coincide with the medieval fantasy version of the game I am so fond and enthralled with, making the transition smoother for noobs such as I to join.

While simultaneously purchasing the obligatory starter set currently being thrust into the faces of every store visitor, I decided to further my knowledge of this new universe by acquiring the genesis volume of a fictional series based ten millennia before the events of the tabletop game in which you participate.

God am I glad I did.

I'm not going to review the book here in this post, or impose any type of pseudo sales opportunity to influence you to run out & grab it. I feel compelled, and am equally delighted however, to share in how much it has engulfed me into the genre through its captivating storyline.

As well as consistently packed full of action & intense dialogue, the works of the series' multiple authors have created a wondrously dark take on our future as mankind. It denounces religion in our future, plotting a story in which mankind has travelled the stars finding no evidence of gods or devils, and embracing the ideal that life simply is, and that there is no hereafter. There is an element of Nazism within them, as alien races and long lost planetary colonies are encountered, followed with the Godfather famed "offer they can't refuse" of accepting their earth-born revelation as truth, or be destroyed. Humanities own leader, having brought this Atheist lesson to earth, is paradoxically worshipped by the very people united by his message, causing further factions of conflict among our race.

Add to that a malevolent force in space, grown out of human emotion and ambition, tainting mankind and setting them upon each other from within their very souls. Born through their doubts & fears despite the "truth" imparted onto them by their visionary. leader.

The series not only plumbs the depths of thoughts on mortality and of our quest to uncover the mysteries of the afterlife, but on the corruption that the human race is susceptible to through simply thought provoking ideals. At times, even the lurking evil has a point to its intentions, and their honeyed manipulation can easily be seen as logic and reason when presented so temptingly to its victims, of which the reader begins to count themselves amongst.

Did I post to tell you about this wondrous new grimoire I have uncovered? No. My post was designed to deliver my realisation that when endeavouring into Science related fiction, the situational & evolutionary possibilities are endless. The map of our universe, a potential truth to one of our many religions ( or not in the example at hand ), as well as the endless opportunities to encounter 'others' upon our journeys through space, make engaging the mind into the the genre a truly epic experience. I have never encounter a fiction so vast and as engulfing as this.

I personally, am at this moment awaiting the arrival of book 8 in the series, which currently stands at 25 separate novels with no sign of slowing.

I cannot wait to read on and find yet more on this enriching story of betrayal & retribution, discovered simply because I attempted to give something out of my comfort zone the acid test.

If I have scried anything more thrilling than my anticipation of uncovering the next instalment of this particular series, it is simply the feeling that I tried something NEW, with a fantastic & equally rewarding return. It will certainly teach me to be more adventurous in all aspects of my interests in future.......

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